​​​​​​Tales & Legends

Author Cheryl Carpinello

Educators/Home School/Parents

All of my books are suitable for classroom use and have enrichment activities at the back of each book. Additional FREE teacher materials available. Contact me at ccarpinello@mac.com.


Medieval Writing Workshop—Grades K-8
Students will create their own outline for a medieval story following the same process I use to write. Younger students listen to a story & then recreate it in a drawing. (45-50 min.)

Medieval Illuminations—Grades K-8
Older students will create their own medieval illuminations using their own poems, and younger students will create "All About Me" illuminations. (45-50 min.)

Tales of the Arabian Nights Short Story Workshop—Grades 7-12
Students will create their own outline of an Arabian Tale after listening to the story of the Arabian Tales & an actual Tale. (45-50 min.) 

The 2-day Program
Day 1: Students create a story idea & outline it using the same process I use to write. Younger students listen to a story & then recreate it in a drawing. (45-50 min.)
Day 2: Students create their own medieval illumination using their own poems—which we write, & younger students create “All about Me” Illuminations that highlight their positive traits. (45-50 min.)
Also included is a Parent Literacy Night should you like to have one, a value of $50.

Cost: $500 & includes 7 Arthurian Bundles (1 Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend, 1 Young Knights of the Round Table: The King’s Ransom, a value of $140.

The 1-day Program
Any one of the above workshops.
Also included is a Parent Literacy Night should you like to have one, a value of $50

Cost: $250 and includes 3 Arthurian Bundles, a value of $60.

Bring a program to your school for FREE:
Schools Pre-Selling 25 books qualify for a FREE 1-day School Program with the option of a Parent Literacy Night for only $50.

Classroom Teachers:  Classroom Bundle (20+) including Free Teacher copy of 1 title:  $7.50/book (25% savings) 

Small Group Bundle A (6 copies including 1 Free Teacher copy of title):  $54.00 (15% savings)

Small Group Bundle B (6 copies of 2 titles including 2 Free Teacher copies, 1 of each title):  $96.00 (20% savings)

Home School/Parents: Purchase 2 or more copies up to 5 of any one title and receive a complimentary copy of the same book. Cost of each individual book is $10.00.